Wednesday, June 23

Transcendance and the Human Condition

"One of the most basic human experiences, one that is genuinely universal and unites - or, more precisely, could unite -- all of humanity, is the experience of transcendence in the broadest sense of the word."

~ Václav Havel, President, Czech Republic

Wednesday, June 2

Lake of Peace

Fix your mind inwardly between the eyebrows [as
in meditation] on the shoreless lake of peace. Watch
the eternal circle of rippling peace around you. The
more you watch intently, the more you will feel the
wavelets of peace spreading from the eyebrows to the
forehead, from the forehead to the heart, and on to
every cell in your body. Now the waters of peace are
overflowing the banks of your body and inundating
the vast territory of your mind. The flood of peace
flows over the boundaries of your mind and moves on
in infinite directions.
~Paramahansa Yogananda,
"Metaphysical Meditations"