Sunday, February 29


Have you noticed patterns in things around you? Do you see 1:11 or at 11:11 on a regular basis? When you look around you, do you see patterns, or shapes, or geometries in the most mundane every day things. If so you are not alone. One of our evolutionary traits that increased our chances of survival was the ability to see and recollect patterns - from seasonal hunting to watching the cycles of nature and the stars. In fact, the concept of time is very much a by-product of this for we are only able to understand our own mortality when we see it as a limited number of cycles. I suppose, that in order for us to understand true mysticism we need to get beyond the patterns or the cycles of time and perceive the higher patterns in the universe, ones that initiate us into the mysteries of infinite space and time, of timelessness, of an inner pattern. Look around you and let your everyday humdrum world initiate you into the mysteries of the universe. You never know, the portal to the infinte may be opening up just next to you. Don't miss it!

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