Thursday, April 1

The myths of April 1

In the ancient Greek calendar, the Veneralia, the annual rites of Peace, celebrating the power of love by which Aphrodite (her name is the source of "April") overcomes the physical power of Ares, god of war. The famous expression "Amor Vincit Omnia" (Love Conquers All) is a relic of this festival.

In the ancient Egyptian calendar, this day begins a major four-day festival cycle honoring the Neters, or "gods", as keepers of cosmic order. The main feasts and ceremonies:

Festival Day of Hathor as sky goddess whose cow horns embrace the Sun. Hathor, whose name literally means "house of Horus", is, along with Isis, one of two Neters who were honored as mother of the solar deity and divine hero Horus. Hathor is also identified in this spring festival with Aphrodite/Venus, goddess of love.

And of course today is April Fool's day, derived from the old Teutonic Feast of Fools ruled by Loki, the trickster god.

From the Universal Festival Calendar by Dan Furst.

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