Sunday, July 24

Religious hate crimes rise fivefold after London Bombing

In a worrying turn following the bombings of 7/7 in London , British Muslims are facing an unprecedented rise in hate crimes including taunts, telephone attacks and physical violence. Additionally, it looks like the British Police are adapting a “shoot first” and “ask questions later” approach to tracking potential terrorists as was demonstrated in yesterday’s shooting of a Brazilian student. The Guardian newspaper, probably the UK’s most progressive paper, is covering both these issues extensively.

The number of faith hate crimes has risen fivefold in the fortnight since the London bombings, the Guardian has learned. The Metropolitan Police has recorded 800 race and faith hate crimes since the July 7 attacks.

The number of faith hate crimes, predominantly directed at British Muslims, has passed the 200 mark. In the same fortnight last year, 30 faith hate incidents were reported by the Met.
Nationally, the figure for hate incidents directed at Muslims has passed 1,200 as a backlash continues.

Read this story at,16132,1534518,00.html

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